Oyster Disclaimers
At Oyster, we pride ourselves on transparency: making available to you the information we rely on to grow and manage a global workforce. However, we are not a law firm or a tax advisory firm and we do not stand in the place of your lawyers or tax advisors. Please continue to rely on the advice and counsel of your lawyers and tax advisors. If you do not have a lawyer or tax advisor, please find one and consult with them. If you need a referral, let us know and we'll try to coordinate. Independent advice and counsel from licensed professionals retained to represent your interests is strongly recommended because they will know the facts and circumstances of your business better than we do, will, or can.
Therefore, let this disclaimer page be a reminder that your use of our website, platform, and information made available in the Platform is subject to all applicable terms:
- Oyster Website Terms of Use
- Oyster Terms and Conditions
- Website Visitor Privacy Notice
- Data Processing Addendum
These terms address your sharing of data with Oyster; the use of artificial intelligence to support the Oyster Platform; your right to privacy; and your obligation to provide Oyster with necessary consents to enable the delivery of the Platform and Services to you. We do all this with the overarching disclaimer that Oyster is not a legal, financial, accounting, tax, compliance, or other professional advisory firm. Information provided by Oyster (including any template documents or outputs from a product feature) is intended for general use only.
AI-Generated Information and use of AI Systems
Oyster may provide access to or use AI Systems in providing our Services, including AI Systems developed by Oyster or provided through Third-Party Integrations. These AI Systems may provide general information from Oyster regarding global employment and related topics or specific information about Oyster Team Members based on their Personal Data ("Information"). This Information should not be considered legal or professional advice. And while Oyster’s goal is for all of our AI Systems to be as accurate as possible, we cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of its outputs. To be clear, Oyster’s AI Systems may, at times, provide inaccurate, outdated, incomplete, or even false Information. Oyster is not responsible for such Information, and you should always consult your own legal counsel before taking action based on such Information. Please note that your use of all Oyster AI Systems is governed by the Oyster Website Terms of Use and the Oyster Terms & Conditions, including but not limited to its Limitation of Liability, Indemnification, Warranty, External Links, Updates, and Governing Law provisions. All Personal Data in Oyster’s AI Systems is governed by our Privacy Notices, available at www.oysterhr.com/trust.
Benefits and Benefit Marketplaces
Oyster may also provide you access to information about benefit providers or ways to purchase benefits from a benefit provider via our Platform. Please remember, Oyster is not a broker or reseller of benefits. Instead, in creating and providing you access to a marketplace, Oyster provides information about different benefits including ways to purchase the benefits. We provide this information for your convenience, but it cannot, and must not, be construed as legal or tax advice to you or the beneficiary of any benefit plan you purchase via the Platform. Similarily, Oyster is not an administrator of any of the benefit plans available through its Platform. While Oyster may receive a referral fee in connection with Your purchase of benefits via the Platform, Oyster's sole interest is to ensure you have as much information available to make independent decisions necessary for You to live a healthy and fulfilled life inside and outside the workplace. Any claim or loss arising out of your relationship with a benefit provider accessed via the Marketplace must be resolved solely between you and the benefit provider; you acknowledge Oyster is not a party to that transaction and will not bring a claim against Oyster arising out of any benefit selection.
You are responsible for seeking independent professional advice before making any decisions or taking any actions with respect to Your business including Your use of the Platform. Any actions taken by You on the basis of any information provided by Oyster remain your sole responsibility.
Thank you for the opportunity to serve you within these parameters.